This study describes a methodology where departmental academic publications are used to analyse the ways in which computer scientists share research data.
Without sufficient information about researchers’ data sharing, there is a risk of mismatching FAIR data service efforts with the needs of researchers. This study describes a methodology where departmental academic publications are used to analyse the ways in which computer scientists share research data. The advancement of FAIR data would benefit from novel methodologies that reliably examine data sharing at the level of multidisciplinary research organisations. Studies that use CRIS publication data to elicit insight into researchers’ data sharing may therefore be a valuable addition to the current interview and questionnaire methodologies.
Data was collected from the following sources:
All journal articles published by researchers in the computer science department of the case study’s university during 2019 were extracted for scrutiny from the current research information system. For these 193 articles, a coding framework was developed to capture the key elements of acquiring and sharing research data. Article DOIs are included in the research data.
The scientific journal articles and theirs DOIs are used in this study for the purpose of academic expression.
The raw data is compiled into a single CSV file. Rows represent specific articles and columns are the values of the data points described below. Author names and affiliations were not collected and are not included in the data set.
Date made available | Apr 2021 |
Publisher | Zenodo |