Data of the article "Analysis of the self-archiving policies of journals in the highest rank category of the Finnish journal classification system within computer science, physics and electronic engineering"



The publication forum level three journals representing the three fields of science of computer science, computer science and electrical engineering were identified by utilizing the MinEdu field search filter while searching for the top-ranked journals from the publication channel search (, which is based on Field of Science, Statistics Finland classification ( The data were extracted during august 2017 consists of total of 127 individual journals. It is worth noting that circa 30 journals were classified into more than one fields of sciences under scrutiny. First, the journals were divided into representing gold and hybrid model journals. Second, green open access policies of the identified hybrid journals were analyzed using Laakso’s (2014) publisher policy coding framework. Also publishers of the individual journals were identified and subsequently added to the data.

NOTE! The data includes the shortest embargo to either institutional or subject repositories. For example, Elsevier had no embargo to opening accepted manuscripts from arXiv subject repository and thus no embargoes to Elsevier's journals are included within this datasheet.

Data is in CSV. format
Date made available2017
Date of data productionAug 2017

Dataset Licences

  • CC-BY-4.0

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