Data for "Reliability analysis of consolidation settlement in clay subsoil using FOSM and Monte Carlo simulation"



Online repository for data related to manuscript titled "Reliability analysis of consolidation settlement in clay subsoil using FOSM and Monte Carlo simulation".

This dataset contains data used and generated during the research work for the manuscript "Reliability analysis of consolidation settlement in clay subsoil using FOSM and Monte Carlo simulation". In addition, the dataset includes an example code (Jupyter Notebook) which was used to run the Latin hypercube Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) and first-order second-moment method (FOSM) for the theoretical consolidation scenarios. The contents of the dataset are briefly described below:

Example code (.ipynb)
MCS and FOSM analyses: input data and results for NC clay (.xlsx)
MCS and FOSM analyses: input data and results for OC clay (.xlsx)
Simulated settlement values (including simulated values of selected input parameters) (.xlsx)
Laboratory test and soil layer data, stress profiles, and FOSM results (.xlsx)
Figs. S1-S2 (.jpg)
Tables S1-S2 (.pdf)
Date made available15 Jun 2021
PublisherMendeley Data
Date of data production1 Aug 2020 - 9 Mar 2021

Dataset Licences

  • CC-BY-4.0

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