Data for 'Future Transboundary Water Stress and Its Drivers Under Climate Change: A Global Study'

  • Hafsa Munia (Creator)
  • Joseph Guillaume (Australian National University) (Creator)
  • Yoshihide Wada (Creator)
  • Ted IE Veldkamp (Creator)
  • Vili Virkki (Creator)
  • Matti Kummu (Creator)



This dataset is a supplement to the following publication (please cite that when using the data):

Munia et al. 2020. Future transboundary water stress and its drivers under climate change: a global study. Earth’s future.

Water stress category data

Dataset presents the water stress category in transboundary basins at sub-basin level for different scenarios (see article for details):

stress_category_Historical.gpkg: stress for years 1980 and 2010

stress_category_SSP1‐RCP26.gpkg: stress for year 2050, SSP1‐RCP2.6 scenario

stress_category_SSP1‐RCP45.gpkg: stress for year 2050, SSP1‐RCP4.5 scenario

stress_category_SSP2‐RCP60.gpkg: stress for year 2050, SSP2‐RCP6.0 scenario

stress_category_SSP3‐RCP60.gpkg: stress for year 2050, SSP3‐RCP6.0 scenario

Dataset specifications:

Type: geopackage (gpkg)

Spatial extent: -165, 141.5, -54.5, 70.5 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)

Temporal extent: see above

Projection: long/lat WGS84 (EPSG:4326)

Information: sub-basin name, country, stress level, stress category

Unit: -
Date made available17 Jun 2020

Dataset Licences

  • CC-BY-4.0


  • This is related to sustainability

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