
This data set contains the simulation input files, scripts, and figures data belonging to the publication
Hossein Vahid, Alberto Scacchi, Maria Sammalkorpi, and Tapio Ala-Nissila. "Adsorption of polyelectrolytes in the presence of varying dielectric discontinuity between solution and substrate", The Journal of Chemical Physics (2024).
Please cite the above publication when using this data set!
This work was supported by Finnish Cultural Foundation under grant no. 00241182 (H.V.). The work was also supported by the Academy of Finland through its Centres of Excellence Programme (2022-2029, LIBER) under project nos. 346111 and 364205 (M.S.), Academy of Finland project no. 359180 (M.S.) and under the European Union – NextGenerationEU instrument by the Academy of Finland grant 353298 (T.A-N.). The work was further supported by Technology Industries of Finland Centennial Foundation TT2020 grant (T.A-N.). We are grateful for the support by FinnCERES Materials Bioeconomy Ecosystem. Computational resources by CSC IT Centre for Finland, RAMI -- RawMatters Finland Infrastructure and the Aalto Science-IT are also gratefully acknowledged.
Date made available24 Sept 2024

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  • CC-BY-4.0

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