The potential of failure and the paradox of the false

Activity: Talk or presentation typesConference presentation


Are ideas of failure and the false indicating subjective movements towards black hole effects? In which way can we take those uncertainties and stay slippery, on the surface? Departing in these questions, this paper wants to consider the potentials of failure, the false, and uncertainty in creative practices, as a way of facilitating other modes of subjectification and desire flowing at the surface of sense, as explored by Deleuze (1969/1990), and Deleuze and Guattari (1972/2011). Additionally, to activate those concrete machinisms which deterritorialize into abstract ones so that they no longer rely on universal systems (Guattari 1979/2011; Deleuze and Guattari 1972/2000). Guattari here unfolds how the refrain is an affirming territory, and this paper wishes to follow these a/tonal, a/signifying paths, and their rhythms into chaos (Guattari 1979/2011). As chance-encounters of difference, they shake our understanding of time,
which Deleuze describes as a non-chronological time which produces movements that are inherently abnormal and false (Deleuze 1985/1989). This idea of the false, and of the phantasm (Deleuze 1985/1989; 1969/1990), can thus be considered as a place of creative force which questions how we engage with the spatio-temporal as a paradoxical state. An example of such an artistic practice is sound improvisation via live coding, as a slippery and counter-archival approach to sonic repetition. This is an ethico-aesthetic practice which connects the layers of potential (and its failure of typing live), in modes of enunciation which renders away signifiers towards new encounters, and molecular alternative practices (Guattari 1990/1996).
Period10 Jul 2024
Event titleDeleuze & Guattari Studies Conference: Intelligence Instituting Archiving
Event typeConference
Conference number16
LocationDelft, NetherlandsShow on map
Degree of RecognitionInternational


  • Gilles Deleuze
  • Felix Guattari
  • Chance
  • Philosophy
  • Live coding