Sriram Venkatachalam

  • Spyros Hirdaris (Host)

Activity: Hosting a visitor typesHosting an academic visitor


Professors Sriram Venkatachalam visit to our Hydromechanics Lab in Marine & Arctic Technology group. Useful web links are here . Most of this work is carried out at the IIT Madras Center for Large scale Ocean Research (CFLOR). This was a good opportunity to understand each other’s objectives and discuss future collaborations. Prof. Venkatachalam also holds the position of DFG - Mercator Professor @ Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany.
Period16 May 2023
Visiting fromIndian Institute of Technology Madras (India)Leibniz Universität Hannover (Germany)
Visitor degreePhD


  • Numerical Modelling
  • Fluid Structure Interactions
  • Ships and Offshore Structures
  • Hydromechanics

Open science

  • This is related to promoting open science

Open science keywords

  • Wide scientific knowledge dissemination

Research ethics and research integrity

  • This is related to promoting research ethics and research integrity