National teacher education development projects funded by Ministry of Education and Culture: National Development Network of the Assessment Know-how, KAARO

    Activity: Other activity typesTeaching merits


    Project leader at Aalto University: National Development Network of the Assessment Know-how, KAARO, 2018-2021 (Kansallisen arviointiosaamisen kehittämisverkosto KAARO) with University of Helsinki (coordinator), University of Eastern Finland, University of Oulu, University of Lapland and Åbo Akademi and eNorssi network.

    The network aggregates research-based assessment know-how and development knowledge from universities and clarifies key goals and contents of assessment competences. The project produces MOOCs and web-based study materials and organizes assessment education and seminars for students, teachers and researchers in teacher education and teachers in the field.
    Period201831 Dec 2021


    • development project
    • teacher education
    • university collaboration