Media Mystery

    Activity: Commercial, industrial or non-academic activitiesConsultancy and expert advice (including statements)


    Media Mystery is a study-project that utilized game and art pedagogical thinking and methods of co-design to create a learning-game for 10-12 years old in a library context. In Media Mystery project (2017-2018) we students of art education develope a game-based concept about media literacy and critical knowledge search for libraries and museums, using media and drama pedagogy methods and Seppo game platform *) Our partners were Vantaa City Library and Päivälehti Museum/ Sanoma Foundation. The professor in charge of the project was Martti Raevaara.

    *) Seppo is an internationally prised and well-known game-based platform (
    PeriodSept 2017Nov 2018
    Event titleMediamysteeri: taide- ja pelipedagoginen oppimis- ja yhteisuunnitteluprojekti
    Event typeCourse
    LocationVantaa, FinlandShow on map
    Degree of RecognitionNational