Examiner of Dissertation at ETH Zurich

Activity: Academic assessments Pre-examination of doctoral thesis or acting as opponent to doctoral students or membership of doctoral thesis committee or board


Benedikt Antonius Kowalewski: Landschaftsentwurf vor Ort - Entwicklung von digitalen in-situ Modellierungswerkzeugen für robotische Landschaftsfabrikation, Leitung: Prof. em. Christophe Girot Koexaminatoren/Koexaminatorinnen: Prof. Dr. Marco Hutter, D-MAVT; Prof. Dr. Pia Fricker, Aalto University, Finland Vorsitz Prüfungskommission: Prof. Dr. Maarten Delbeke, D-ARCH
Period27 Apr 2023
ExamineeBenedikt Kowalewski
Examination held at
  • ETH Zurich, Department of Architecture
Degree of RecognitionInternational